Topology Object

The Topology object is an array of entities that you want to add to the overall Turbonomic topology of managed entities. When Turbonomic loads your DIF data, it displays the entities from your topology object in the supply chain.

The Topology object includes the following properties:


Required String

The version of DIF that your data complies with. For this version, V1


Required Integer

Use this to record the time that you generated the data. You should periodically generate new data to reflect changes to your environment. This value tracks when the changes were made.


Required String

The scope is a unique identifier for the topology you are creating. Note that the DIF probe can load multiple topologies from different data servers. Further, these different topologies can al appect shared entities in th environment. The scope effectively declares a namespace that the probe can use to separate its processing of these different topologies.


Required Array of Entity

The array of entities that make up your topology.

See Entity Object.