Manual Provisioning of Users and Databases

For Turbonomic to automatically create the required databases for Embedded Reports, the Turbonomic cr.yaml file must specify credentials for a user account that has global R/W access to the DB service. To do this you can Store the credentials in cleartext in the cr.yaml file.

If Automatic Provisioning is appropriate for your environment, then you can skip this section and go directly to Automatic Provisioning of Users and Databases. That is where you will specify the global R/W account that Embedded Reports can use to access your TimescaleDB.

If Automatic Provisioning is not appropriate for your environment, then you must access the DB service with a R/W account and manually add the databases and user accounts that Embedded Reports can use. Then, after you have added the databases to your TimescaleDB, you will edit the Turbonomic cr.yaml file to make use of these databases.

Manually Provisioning Databases and Users on the TimescaleDB

The following steps will properly provision the database objects that Embedded Reporting requires. Note that these examples use default names for illustration. You can substitute your own names for databases and users. You must remember the names you use, because you must match that naming as you edit the Turbonomic cr.yaml file.

To provision the databases and users, open a command session on the TimescaleDB, and execute the following commands: ​

  • Create two databases - one for extractor data, one for grafana data:
    The extractor database manages the Turbonomic data stream, and the grafana database manages data for reporting within Grafana.

    Execute the following commands, where you can provide your own database names instead of extractor and grafana:

    CREATE DATABASE extractor;
    CREATE DATABASE grafana;
  • Create database users:
    For the extractor database, you will create a R/W user, a read-only group, and read-only user. You will also create a R/W user for the grafana database.

    Execute the following commands, where you can provide your own names for instances of USER or ROLE:

    -- main read/write user for extractor data
    CREATE USER extractor PASSWORD '<password>';
    -- group for users with read-only access to extractor data
    CREATE ROLE readers_extractor_extractor;
    -- read-only user for extractor data as a member of that group
    CREATE USER query PASSWORD '<password>';
    GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE extractor TO readers_extractor_extractor;
    GRANT readers_extractor_extractor TO query;
    -- read-write user for grafana data
    CREATE USER grafana_backend PASSWORD '<password>';
  • Create and prepare the schema for extractor data
    Connect to the extractor database and execute these commands, where you can provide your own name for the SCHEMA, and you grant privileges to the users and roles you created above:
    CREATE SCHEMA extractor;
    -- read/write user has full access
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA extractor TO extractor;
    -- all users in readers group have read-only access
    GRANT USAGE on SCHEMA extractor TO readers_extractor_extractor;
    GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA extractor TO readers_extractor_extractor;
    -- make sure readers get access to any tables added in the future
    ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA extractor GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO readers_extractor_extractor;
    -- make the extractor and query users use the extractor schema by default
    ALTER ROLE extractor SET search_path TO `extractor`;
    ALTER ROLE query SET search_path TO `extractor`;
    -- install the timescaledb plugin into the extractor database using the extractor schema
    CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb SCHEMA extractor;
  • Create and prepare the schema for grafana data
    Connect to the grafana database and execute these commands, where you can provide your own name for the SCHEMA, and you grant privileges to the users and roles you created above:
    CREATE SCHEMA grafana;
    -- read/write user has full access
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA grafana TO grafana_backend;
    -- make sure the grafana user uses the grafana schema by default
    ALTER ROLE grafana_backend SET search_path TO 'grafana';

The above commands provision the required databases and users. Your provisioning must be complete and correct for Embedded Reports to properly collect data and display it in Grafana reports and dashboards.

Editing the CR File for Manually Created Databases

After you have provisioned the required database objects, you should edit the Turbonomic cr.yaml file to make use of these databases. For editing tips, see YAML File Editing Tips.

To edit the cr.yaml file:

Open the .cr file for editing.

The location of the file depends on the type of Turbonomic installation you are configuring:

  • For an OVA installation of Turbonomic:
    Open a SSH terminal session on your Turbonomic instance.
    Log in with the System Administrator that you set up when you installed Turbonomic:
    • Username: turbo
    • Password: <your_private_password>

    Then edit the file:

  • Turbonomic on a Kubernetes node or node cluster:
    Open the following file for editing:

Specify the endpoint for connecting to the external database.

You can use the database service DNS, or you can use an IP address.

Add the endpoint as the externalTimescaleDBIP property in the spec: global: section of the .cr file:

    externalTimescaleDBIP: <host-or-IP>

Specify Turbonomic access the databases you provisioned

As you specify users and databases, be sure to match the names you used above to provision users, databases, and schema. These instructions use the default naming that you can see above.

You will specify:

  • Global read-only access to the extractor database
    This grants the extractor and the api components read-only access to the extractor database that you provisioned above. Those components will use the query user account.
  • Read/write access to the extractor and grafana databases
    /spec/properties/extractor/dbs This grants the extractor component read/write access to the extractor and grafana databases that you provisioned above.
  • Read/write access for Grafana to access the grafana database

Edit the cr.yaml file to add the following entries:

          databaseName: extractor
          schemaName: extractor
            userName: query
            password: <defaault-password>
          userName: extractor
          password: <default-password>
          scehamName: grafana
        name: grafana
        user: grafana_backend
        password: <default-password>

​ If you have manually provisioned the Embedded Reports objects on the TimescaleDB instance, then you should disable the options for Turbonomic to automatically execute provisioning on the TimescaleDB instance.

NOTE: that Turbonomic cannot provision on the TimescaleDB instance if you do not specify a global user account. If you performed these configuration steps, then you should not have done so. But we still recommend that you disable the options to execute provisioning.

Set the following properties to false:

  • shouldProvisionDatabase:
    spec/properties/global/dbs/postgresDefault/shouldProvisionDatabase Determintes whether Turbonomic will attempt to provision any database in scope of the the definition.
  • shouldProvisionUser: spec/properties/global/dbs/postgresDefault/shouldProvisionUser Determines whether Turbonomic will attempt to provision any logins in scope of the definition.
  • destructiveProvisioningEnabled: spec/properties/global/dbs/postgresDefault/destructiveProvisioningEnabled Determines whether, during its provisioning operations, Turbonomic can perform destructive operations like dropping databases, schemas or users that are found to be mis-configured. In the default installation scenario, the public schema that is created by PostgreSQL in any new database is dropped, to reduce the complexity of the overall model. Because this is considered a destructive operation, this option is true by default.

Edit the cr.yaml file to add the following properties:

            shouldProvisionDatabase: false
            shouldProvisionUser: false
            destructiveProvisioningEnabled: false

​ Placing these settings in the /spec/properties/global/dbs/postgresDefault block ensures that they will apply to all PostgreSQL databases and users used by any Turbonomic component. If your pre-provisioning is more selective than that, you can move the settings to more narrowly targeted property blocks like /spec/properties/extractor/dbs/grafana or /spec/properties/global/dbs/extractor. ​