Configuring Data Export Intervals

By default, the Data Exporter sends JSON data for entities and groups at 10-minute intervals. This usually gives a good flow of data that your data search and analysis services can ingest.

For very large environments, it is possible that the quantity of data can overwhelm the ability of your service to ingest it. In the worst case, this can result in Out Of Memory errors in your service connector. If this occurs, lengthening the export interval can reduce the overall volume of data your service has to ingest.

You can configure the data export interval in the extractor component for action data and for entity and group data.

  1. Open an SSH terminal session to your Turbonomic instance.
    Log in with the System Administrator that you set up when you installed Turbonomic:

    Username: turbo
    Password: [your_private_password]

  2. Edit the cr.yaml file to add export intervals to the extractor component.
    In the same SSH session, open the cr.yaml file for editing. For example:
    vi /opt/turbonomic/kubernetes/operator/deploy/crds/charts_v1alpha1_xl_cr.yaml

  3. Edit the entry for the extractor properties.
    Search for the extractor properties entry in the cr.yaml file. It should appear as:
         enableDataExtraction: true
  4. Add the properties to control the export intervals. By default, the extractor exports entity and group data every 10 minutes, and action data every 6 hours. You can add properties to the extractor to change the interval. Each setting is in units of minutes.
    With these settings, you can specify intervals:
    • Globally
      If you want to set a single interval for all extractor data exports (entities, groups, and actions), use this property.
    • For Entities and Groups
      To specify an export interval for entity and group data, use this property. If it is present in the extractor properties, this setting takes precedence for entities and groups.
    • For Actions
      To specify an export interval for actions data, use this property. If it is present in the extractor properties, this setting takes precedence for actions.

    For example, the following specification sets a 30-minute interval on entities and groups, and a one-hour interval on actions:

         enableDataExtraction: true
         entityExtractionIntervalMins: 30
         actionExtractionIntervalMins: 60
  5. Save and apply your changes to the platform.
    After you save your changes, use kubectl to apply the changes:
    kubectl apply -f \
  6. Restart the extractor component.

    First, get the name of the extractor pod: kubectl get pods -n turbonomic

    You should see output similar to the following:

    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS 
    extractor-5f41dd61c4-4d6lq                   1/1     Running   0   

    Search the listing for the extractor pod, and use that as the pod name. Then delete the pod to force it to restart. For the example above, enter the command:
    kubectl delete pod extractor-5f41dd61c4-4d6lq

  7. Verify that the extractor component is running.
    Give the platform enough time to restart the components. Then execute the command:
    kubectl get pods -n turbonomic

    You should see the extractor pod in the listing, and its status should be RUNNING.